Monday, May 21, 2012

Senior Reflection #3 (AP Exams)

With AP Exam week being finally over, I think it would be an appropriate time to do a post mortem on them. I had the great fortune of having 5 days in a row of AP Exams which made things incredibly (in)convenient. First was BC Calculus which was not as difficult as I had imagined it would be, which is excellent since if I get a 5 on that exam, I will place out of the first year of mathematics at UVA. Second was AP Literature which I felt like I did well on, but it honestly doesn't matter due to the fact that I can only get credit for either AP English Language or AP English Literature for UVA. Next was AP German, which I have absolutely no idea how I did due to the fact that I can barely speak and understand German. Next was AP Physics which we all failed, and finally, AP US and Comparative which I felt surprisingly very confident on. All in all, I had been dreading this exam season for months, but now that it is over, I understand that it was not at all as awful as I had anticipated it would be.

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