Monday, May 21, 2012

Senior Reflection #2 (AP Classes)

Having taken 5 AP classes this year (6 if you break US and Comparative into two classes),  I feel like I am much better prepared for college level courses. Although I know that I will definitely have to repeat some classes in college (Physics), the AP exam scores from my sophomore and junior years will help me place out of a lot of introductory classes and start working towards completing my major requirements sooner. Also, I felt incredibly confident on many of the AP exams I took this year, so hopefully, I will have done well enough on these classes this year to help me place out of even more classes. At first I had thought that taking this amount of work this year would be incredibly difficult, but now that I am approaching the end, I am realizing that I am even more capable of takign a large workload and will be incredibly more prepared for the years to come.

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