Monday, May 21, 2012

Senior Reflection #1 (Application Process)

Now that everything is done with and I am heading off to the University of Virginia in the Fall, I can look back at the entire college application process and judge fairly that it was not as difficult as I had thought it would be. Thanks to online applications and a lot of similarity between apps, the process really did not eat up the amount of time that I had expected it to. However, I did procrastinate on the majority of the applications and waited literally to the last minute to submit some of the applications. In addition, the Common App made things incredibly easy, but I wish that more universities used it. If Virginia Tech and George Mason has used the Common App, it would have made my application process even easier. All in all, now that I have the experience of applying to universities and scholarships, I can be better prepared for applications for school loans/jobs/internships/ or any other competitive things that will come my way in the future.

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