Wednesday, December 14, 2011


According to the information displayed in the polls conducted/found on, Obama will have a difficult bid for reelection next year. Currently, his approval rating is at 43% while his disapproval rating is 49%. His approval rating is also sitting 8% less than the average approval rating of previous presidents during the same time frame most of which are in the low 50's. Ever since May and the heat of the Republican Presidencial Nominee coverage began, the President's approval rating has been sharply drawing and I would expect that the rhetoric and attacks used by many of the candidates are in some part a reason as to why the public finds Obama less capable. Although there are no real frontrunners for the Republican Nomination and the race right now is fragmented, the intensity of coverage is not helping Obama in any way shape or form. Clearly, if Obama is to win reelection, it is time for him to get into full-on campaign mode and fight back against the Republicans and to show the nation what kind of leader he really is. If he is able to accomplish this and if no strong nominee is selected for the Republican nomination, I place Obama's odd at a good 4:3. If he isn't able to get into gear and the Republican party IS able to find a suitable representative, then Obama might be in a world of hurt come next year.

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