Monday, December 12, 2011

QOTW 2: Mitt Romney

In my opinion, Mitt Romney is the most capable of the Republican Nominee candidates in actually winning the Presidential Election. However, before he can even run for the presidency, he must secure the Republican nomination which could be very difficult for him. One thing that could make him lose is his religious faith. Many of his opponents have used his Mormonism as a point of attack and many Republicans, as polls have showed, are hesistant in nominating a Mormon Candidate. Those who look past his personal faith, however can see why he'd be the best choice for the Republican Nomination. His track record as the Governor of Massachusetts and his history with business and economic reform is very attractive to voters who are perturbed with today's economic conditions. Due to the public's split perspective on Mitt Romney, he is, by far, one of the more interesting candidates to follow, and follow him I will.

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