Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Political Cartoon 2

This political cartoon drawn by JD Crowe is centered around the now infamous video ad that Rick Perry is currently ran in Iowa and online where he stated that, "There's something wrong in this country when gays can openly serve in the military, but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school." This ad has been seen as homophobic and down right offensive and idiotic to many, prompting Crowe to create this cartoon.

In the image, the two main symbols/objects are that of the caricature representing Rick Perry and the Jake Gyllenhaal character from Brokeback Mountain representing Homophobia as clearly stated. Rick Perry's line, "I wish I knew how to quit you" is a direct quote from the movie and serves to further satirize his homophobic remarks. Besides the caricature of Rick Perry and the use of allusions to the film, Brokeback Mountain, Crowe also uses ridicule and satire by placing the Rick Perry character in a relationship that the real life Rick Perry is opposed to.

Through this cartoon, Crowe is able to demonstrate his point-of-view regarding the Rick Perry situation and the ad. In drawing this, Crowe is mocking Perry's views displayed in the ad and calling attention how homophobic and insensitive they are. Crowe's point-of-view further amplifies the cartoon's overall message that Rick Perry's comments were irrational, insensitive, and most of all, insane.

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